March 11, 2024

New album from Dennis Ellsworth

New signing to Tonic Records, Dennis Ellsworth, released his album ‘Modern Love’ on March 8th.

On his latest album, Modern Hope, Ellsworth borrows from the mystical world of British folk to

craft 10 mini-masterpieces, some of which are sung barely above a whisper. Part of that

songwriting approach was a reaction to the challenges our society has faced in recent years,

along with Ellsworth welcoming a new baby into his family in 2022.

In order to properly handle such personal material, he turned to an old friend on the other side of

the country, Leeroy Stagger, to serve as producer. Together with a standout cast of musicians,

including multi-instrumentalist Scott Smith, drummer Geoff Hicks and bassist Jeremy Holmes,

they set up at Vancouver’s Afterlife Studios (formerly the legendary Mushroom Studios) in April

2022 where they recorded the entire album live off the floor in only four days.